There are a number of considerations to make when choosing a Limited Company Name in Ireland. The main consideration will be from a brand identity and marketing position. Acquiring an Limited company name with your brand identity ending in the word languages is obviously the best position to be in but if the company registration is office to not allow the name that you require there are strategies but we can put in place to ensure that you can trade with your brand name. We will so the research to ensure that your chosen company name gets the best chance of being accepted. When choosing a Limited Company name in Ireland, a few considerations must be made. There are rules with regards to the availability and acceptance of limited company names set down by the company registrations office in Ireland. The Choice of company name is only approved by the Companies Registration office once they have checked to ensure it is:

A number on its own is not a sufficient distinguisher for a Limited Company Name. Other restrictions regarding Limited Company name registration are as follows:
Additional words should be used in a limited company name to distinguish it from other companies already on the register. Certain words and their abbreviations together with accents and punctuation marks are not sufficient to distinguish between company names. Examples of such words include the definite article and the words “company”, “co”, “corporation”, “and”, “&”, “service”, “services” ,“limited”, etc. Place names are not considered to be a sufficient distinction between company names, e.g. Ireland, Dublin, West, etc.
Names which are phonetically similar to other names may also be refused. This includes purposefully misspelt names for example; Collect being spelled as Kollect.
Many companies do not get the limited company named that they initially apply for. This don’t mean that you can’t register the company it just means that another word trading name will need to be registered linked to the limited company name. Remember, once you have registered your Limited Company Name, you can register a business Name and trade with that Name. This process gives you much more freedom with marketing a business name.
Registering a trading name under a Limited Company
If you are setting up as a Sole Trader, or Partnership, any business name may be registered. Restrictions are in place where names are trademarked. If this is the case and you cannot acquire the name for the limited company that you require then a trading name can be linked to the limited company name under a specific application. This allows you to trade with the name that you require and ensures your compliance.
Registering a website URL as a Limited Company Trading Name
If you would like to trade with your URL then it is possible to structure this but it is not possible to register a limited company name as a URL website address. It is possible to link a trading name to a limited company name and have the trading name a website URL. In this case we will guide you through what information we require to prove that you own the URL name being registered. WHOIS information from the registrar will be required to show that you own the name and we can then make the application for the trading under the limited company name to be a website address.
To Summarise, when choosing a name:
If you need some guidance on the telephone please don’t hesitate to contact us to help you choose the limited company name. You can of course just proceed on the website and we will ensure that it is compliant. if a limited company name is rejected with a section 137 non resident directors bond then we will manage the new bond under the new application and you will not be required to sign documents again.