The information to register a company in Ireland is very specific and our online forms take you through this requirement. To form a company an agent like us requires you to file forms online to gather specific information that is required to be published under the Companies Act. To see our forms you can take an account and log in here. Just click on any of our packages to see the information required, here is a guide for what’s on the form.

Directors and Secretary’s details are required, and we need to know the Secretary’s information also. They are two separate positions and a minimum of one Director and one Secretary is required. Name, Residential Address, Nationality and Date of birth for the Director is required and the same for a Secretary if it is a person. A Secretary can be an entity in Ireland or abroad, but the Director is required to be a person. If the Secretary is a Company, the Legal name, Statutory Address, and company details are required. Information to register a company in Ireland

The limited company name that you wish to incorporate with are required. There are some rules around the availability of this and can be seen under a previous article we wrote on this. The name must not be already registered and must not sound phonetically like an existing name on the register.

The Statutory registered office address is required. This must be in Ireland. We can provide this to you which includes mail scanning. We can also provide a trading address separate to the Registered office address which is required to be stated on the forms.

The Shareholders details are required, for a person, the name and residential address, and for another company or entity, the name of the person authorized to sign and the statutory address of the entity is required.

We collect the minimum information required to register a company in Ireland. This information is checked and verified when you submit it online and we proactively contact you if we need further information.