Conversion to LTD company type.

Conversion to LTD company type applies to private limited companies which were incorporated prior to the new Companies Act, which are limited by shares (EPCs). Companies incorporating after Commencement Date – 1st June 2015 can register as a LTD company or a DAC (Designated Activity Company).

From Commencement Date, 1st June 2015 to End of the transition period 18 months later, 30th November 2016, EPCs can convert to the LTD company type. For the duration of the transition period only, EPCs are deemed to operate as Designated Activity Companies, unless conversion is made to LTD company status.

File this form with us to convert your limited company form the old act to a Private Limited company under the new act.

Conversion to LTD company type.

 195.00 (ex. VAT)

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