Forceful Removal of a Director or Secretary


Forceful Removal of a Director or Secretary

Removing oneself as a director or secretary from an Irish company involves following specific procedures and submitting the relevant documents to the Companies Registration Office (CRO) in Ireland. If you have tried to get this completed but the company is non responsive you can follow the procedure below to get yourself removed.

Generally this takes two resignation letters and offers the company the ability to send you the documents to get this task complete. If you are the sole Director and you request that you be removed you need to follow the procedure to offer the company the opportunity to replace you and stay compliant. Every Irish Company is required to have a minimum of one Director and in some company types two.

The process is as follows: A letter is sent from the Director resigning from the company and asking to be removed from the CRO filing.

If this is not complete a second letter is sent to the company advising that they need to be removed. THis is completed on a specific timeline after the first one.

If nothing is done the forms are prepared and submitted to the CRO with the letters and the officer is removed by the CRO.

Forceful Removal of a Director or Secretary

Original price was: € 279.00.Current price is: € 199.00. (ex. VAT)

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This procedure is processed by the person who engages us. If you wish to remove another person from a company this can only be done if you are a Director of that company.

If you need to talk to us about your needs please feel free to contact us on the telephone number at the top of this page.